Friday, July 13, 2012

The Flag and We the People....

Well, this is my first blogging experience, and as I sit thinking about blogging, I'm thinking, "What will I write?  What topics? What exactly is my goal with blogging?", and  so on.  The solution?  Just write!

First, and foremost, I love the United States of America!  My heart swells with pride when I say the Pledge of Allegiance and hear the National Anthem and other patriotic songs.  Sometimes, I even shed tears. This IS my country and I'm proud to be an American!

I was raised in an era (the 50s) when the flag was honored and respected by every man, woman, and child because it was a symbol of freedom given to us by brave men and women who believed in, supported, fought, and died for the rights we have today.  It held an honored place at home and was flown religiously.  In school, at home, and in scouting organizations, I was taught about the flag, what each color and star stood for, and rules for handling and displaying the flag,  and proudly recited, "One nation under God".  "Stand at attention with your hand over your heart," my teacher would say, "because you are honoring God, the creator of this great and mighty nation, and those who have made sacrifices for the freedoms you enjoy." (Yes, back in those days no one took offense to God being in the school.)  I'd stand straight and tall remembering my grandfathers, uncles, and my father, who unselfishly gave of themselves so I could have such freedoms. (At that young age, I didn't know anyone who had died in a war.)  Today, I still stand just as straight and just as tall, only now I honor my son and nephews currently serving, and a host of family and friends that are retired military/Veterans, and remember many dear friends and former students who have given all.  To me, the flag of the United States is the most beautiful of all because each soldier and veteran, present or past are entwined within each stitch, color, and star.

Much older now, that pride still lies within.  But today, I'm saddened that the flag that I love is not the honored and respected symbol it once was.  I'll never forget the first time I saw an American flag burned.  I cried. Then, after doing some research on flag burning, I learned that laws regarding the desecration of the American flag were established in 1897 after the Civil War.  Forty-eight states passed such a law. Yet, in 1989, it was suddenly "okay" to humiliate the memory of those who served and died protecting it.  It was "okay" with the Supreme Court to desecrate our country by deciding to strike down all laws banning flag desecration!   Yep, that was one of the LESS responsible and patriotic acts of our highest court in the nation!

Congress has tried seven times, (1990, 1995, 1997, 1999-2000, 2001, 2003, 2005-2006)  to repeal the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling by passing a constitutional amendment making an exception to the First Amendment in order to allow the government to ban flag desecration. It continues to fail!  The vote in 2006 failed by ONE vote.  It should have been a "no brainer"!!!  Every member of Congress should have voted to preserve our flag and everything for which it stands.

Is it really necessary to spend valuable time and resources debating whether or not it's okay to desecrate the American flag?   "NO!"  One word, enough said!  NO, it is NOT okay!!!!!  Period!  The end!  Why then?  Because, as I see it,  our elected officials have become so lost in politicking, marital indiscretions, scratching each others' backs, kick-backs, and re-election campaigns that they have lost the moral and ethical integrity to stand up and fight for what's right and good.!  That's right!  "WE the PEOPLE" who elect them have lost our voices.  Our needs, desires, and pleas have fallen on deaf ears.   The "you give me this and I'll give you that" has interfered with good decision making within our governments on all levels.  Our country is in trouble and we desperately need to get back "We the People"!  That's right.... "We the People of the United States...." 

Politics is not a topic I openly discuss, although I do have strong opinions on many issues, as you may have noticed by now.  I've always had a strong belief regarding the principles and values upon which this country was established, although now, I'm saddened by how, as a nation, we, have allowed those very strengths and attitudes to become charred by the irresponsibility of those we have elected to represent "We the People."   I remember as a child hearing adults tell the jokes about lawyers, salesmen, and politicians all being in the same boat because they each do "whatever it takes" just to convince us that something is good in order to "sell their product".  That was in the 50s and early 60s.  Not much has changed, has it?

"We the People", that's you, me, and every legal American citizen eighteen years and older.  Are you satisfied with the direction in which our leaders are taking us?  If not, then begin working diligently to put your voice out there and help and help put our country back in the hands of "We the People!  It's time to get serious about who we are electing to represent us!  So many, myself included, don't research those running for community, county, state, or federal offices.  We just continue to vote for the same candidates because they are friends, they've been in office for a long time, other family members are voting for them, we only vote within the party lines in which we've always voted, or he/she if the best looking. (Sad, but true) Heck, I never even questioned why I voted Democrat and not Republican.  I just did because others in my family did, but I rarely voted a straight ticket, except in a primary. Seriously, are those the best reasons for electing someone to represent "We the People"?  I've learned it's not.  (Oh, and my political party of choice is the one that's closest to my views.)  :)

I'd be lying if I told you that I've been "on top of things" when it comes to casting my vote.  "LOL" (laugh out loud) ... NOT!  Most of the time I had no inkling of who or what candidates were about or their stand on issues, nor did it bother me much.  I'd listen to friends, family, and news reporters talk about the candidates, and I'd watch the debates, but usually voted for the one the majority of those people felt would do the best job.  I have not been a good "We the People" example, but I'm stronger, and I've begun writing letters when issues concern me.  I've taken time to look at the voting records of those I've helped elect. I'm confident that some will not be getting my vote this year because they've not listened.  However, I'm now doing my research and I believe this November the vote I cast will honestly be for the ones that I feel will be best in accomplishing the hopes and dreams I hold dear for this country of mine.  I'm just one voice of "We the People", but one voice can become two voices, and so on.  With each voice, no matter your party line, "We the People" can truly once again become "WE THE PEOPLE", and not "we the President and Congress".

I urge and challenge all who read this to exercise your right to vote every time an election comes around.  I also urge and challenge you to research the candidates, and choose those that are the closet matches to the direction in which you want to see our nation go.

I know not all who read my blog agrees with me, but agree or not, I'd like to know your thoughts.

God Bless you, and God Bless America...............

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